Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Rainy Daze

It rained all day today so we stayed inside where it was warm and dry. We called NetVelocite to make the appointment to install Broadband access for our computers. I'm really looking forward to the extra speed, Dial-up is brutal at times.

We watched "Grey's Anatomy" from last night at lunch today. It is my favorite show this season. We watched "Deal or No Deal" this evening. It's just OK mindless entertainment that doesn't require much from the viewer. You don't have to answer questions or follow a plot or anything. It's just a bare bones Greed show.

Late night, I worked on this blog. Since I don't really know much HTML, I'm learning on the fly.


Monday, February 27, 2006

What a DRAG!

Sunday had the NHRA Drag races on TV from Firebird Raceway in
Phoenix. I love Drag races and am in 7th heaven when I can watch
them on the tube. This is the second race of the season and it looks
like it's going to be faster and more entertaining this year. I watched
the NASCAR race also, but it pales in comparision to the drags.


Sunday, February 26, 2006

Look down...

I did a lot of research & developement on blogs and
blog programing. I managed to come up with some new
stuff in the sidebar and at the botton of the page.

Especially at the bottom!


Saturday, February 25, 2006


much going on today. Slow day with shit on TV tonight.
There's some stuff I could RANT about, but even I don't
care enough about most of it.

I fooled around with this blog and put in a counter and
Google Search.

David Letterman told a good one tonight. It's Mardi Gras
in Na Orlens and the parade is going on as usual. Even
FEMA had a float built for it.... it should be here about
the 1st of April!



Friday, February 24, 2006

Decisions... Decisions!

We finally have decided to step up to Broadband IP.
Actually, we finally found an IP that serves our area
for a reasonable price. Now the decision comes down
to a WIRED or WIRELESS router. this allow both
computers internet access at the same time. I decided
WIRED, as it's cheaper and we don't move our computers
around anyway. Now my search to find to best value for a
Router. I want something inexspensive but works well.
Hey, if I can save $20, it works for me.


Thursday, February 23, 2006

Monk in the mail

Today was a pretty laid back day. The only exciting thing was we got a cool autographed picture in the mail, of Tony Shaloub from "Monk". My step-son Jim works on the program and got us this cool picture. Way to go, thanks Jim!


Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I'm the nut and she IS the honey. True dat!
We didn't do much today besides wind down from
our weekend with all our visitors. We changed the
filters on our R.O. water filter system and Barb sewed
up a nice curtain to use in the doorway to the Den.
This will allow anybody using the day bed
privacy from the front room.
(plus I added the music to this page!)


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Home Alone

The Devil's Playground
Barbara & Jenny went to Target today and left me home on my own. They deserve some mother and daughter time. And I had some alone time. When they got back, Jenny and Jacob went home. All our visitors are now gone so Presidents day weekend is now over. It was fun.


Monday, February 20, 2006

President's Day Weekend

Dawn came up friday from Southern California to spend a couple of nights. We haven't seen her in a while and it was a nice visit. She brought her ex-boyfriend Craig along and I haven't seen him for over 10 years!
I really had a bad case of "Old timers" disease and kept refering to Craig as "Chris" (Jenny's husbands name). No matter how hard I tried, I kept inadvertently saying "Chris". It was very embarrassing. I finally had to write "Craig" on my palm as a cheat sheet.
Saturday, Jenny and Jacob came over to stay for a couple of nights. It is always a treat and makes Barbara very happy when they visit.


Saturday, February 18, 2006

Barb... what a woman!

As we have guests coming to visit this weekend, Barbara went to town baking and preparing to make everyone comfortable and happy. She baked 3 kinds of cookies, made split pea soup, shopped for meals & cooked up a Tri-Tip steak to make Fajita's. She such a hard worker and a wonderful person. I think I love her!


Friday, February 17, 2006


It's supposed to rain here today but all is good as Dawn is coming to visit for a couple of days. We haven't seen her for awhile now so it will be great!

BTW.... I won today! ;-)


Thursday, February 16, 2006


It was a beautiful day today. Barbara mowed the lawn and I edged it. Barb works so hard and does so much. I am very lucky to be with her. We played our daily game of Canasta. We are pretty equally matched and both enjoy our daily game (I won!). We watched Boston Legal that we taped last night, while we ate lunch. Then we watched American Idol & Lost tonight.



Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Whats new?

I added the clock and changed the links below the clock. Then I added the Audio clip. I thought it would be embedded in the page and automatically play when a person 1st opens the page, but no. It'll do as is.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

this is an audio post - click to play


Happy Valentines Day to my honey Barbara! Posted by Picasa


Monday, February 13, 2006

Good Morning

Hi sweetheart,
This is pretty neat! You have to start at the bottom with the 1st post.

I sure am glad that Jacob is feeling better and you are home to take care of the bigger baby.


Got pictures?

Yes we do! We do have pictures! COOL!


Anna E. Longaker

3-15-1921 -to- 6-7-1996

A great lady! All that I am I owe to her.
Love ya, Mom!


Sunday, February 12, 2006

Bert Busselle

4-6-1946 -to- 11-21-2005

My Canadian Pal
"Fishing with God!"
Rest in peace buddy


Darrel J. Betzold

8-29-1946 -to- 12-5-1998

Father & Friend...a great guy!
Rest in peace buddy.


Chet Atkins - Imagine