Friday, March 03, 2006

Time On My Hands

Since I don't work I have a lot of time on my hands.
I don't really put it to good use but I accept my life as it
is and just enjoy being able to do as I please. Barbara
doesn't work either so we spend most of our time together.
I couldn't think of anyone I would rather hang with because
she's my best friend! Ask anyone, she is a great person and
I am one lucky fellow to have her in my life. We play cards,
watch TV, make greeting cards and just enjoy each others
company. we have our own computers and that gives us
some time apart to surf around, do art, download music,
burn CD's, make animated GIF's or whatever our individual
pursuits may be. She gets up earlier than I do and that's her
time. I go to sleep later than she does and that's my time.
It all really does work out pretty well.


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