Monday, August 07, 2006

Hacked again!

Tonight I had a little MySpace trauma. When I went to
Joey's Place, a friend had messaged me to say that my
bulletin was helpful. What? I hadn't posted any bulletin!
Sure enough there were 2 (TWO!) bulletins with my name
and face, hawking some Game site and some MySpace build
site. They weren't harmful and my profile was intact, but it
freaked me out bigtime! I quickly deleted the bulletins and
issued a real one denying the previous 2. Then I changed my
passwords to really difficult letters & numbers... SO difficult
I screwed one up and it took me a half hour to get back in!
Duhhh.... well once I got back in I changed them both again
to something I can remember. I guess this is some generator
or something that exploits passwords to SPAM the bulletins
in your name. They're relatively harmless and don't mess with
your page. Regardless it still freaks me out. I think that if there
is a next time, I'm going to see WHO or WHERE they're trying
to direct us to going and report it to Tom. That's all I can think of.


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