Saturday, July 29, 2006


I originally going to talk about the thing that I
put off last night... WEIGH DAY! Today was our
day to weigh ourselves and I was very pleased
with results. You get to dread the scale and the
anxious moments as you look down and....
Woo-Hoo, today they were good numbers. But

MySpace took over our emotions. We are addicted
to MySpace! It is a good addiction but an addiction
none the less. And this morning MySpace was having
a major meltdown. It showed all of our profile pages
as being deleted. Knowing that they DO in fact delete
people from time to time for no particularly good reason,
it had us scared. We elected to be patient and see what
would happen. Luckily, later they did restore our pages
but even then MySpace was acting like it needed a set
of spark plugs or an enema. Anyway it all seems to be
all better now and we are extremely glad!


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